Suddenly the sky turn a dull gray and the storm clouds rush in
The sun that once shone brightly cannot be seen
But wait the sun fight back
But soon the storm wins and it all goes black
I find myself back on the edge of madness
Death has stab my happiness
My mind now hollow of thought
A tragic experience my heart once fought
All has gone quiet inside
The fear has risen the fear I once tried to hide
Even the tiny voices have gone
Even the little bird that sang a graceful song,
Poor thing its life just instantly taken
Oh why am I forsaken?
Why is my path blocked again?
Oh know its back no please not the pain
Oh how helpless my heart does beat
I am beat I now feel the defeat
I look around me for the footprints in the sand
Mine lead me to the sea the other set away to the land
Now the cold rain does pound
My footprints are washed away from the ground
Now I am lost not sure which way I have been
Not sure which way to go I lost the road I had once seen
The cold wind bellows its piercing cold into me
The rains cloud my eyes so I cannot see
I try to hold back the tears
But still my trembling body fears
The cold dives deep into my body straight for my heart
The piercing pain splitting it apart
The silence now over comes me
Its mimicking movements confusing me
Never has the silence sounded so sad
Never has it been this bad
I feel my chest for that familiar sound
But no my heart does no more pound
But wait it beats one more time weak and faint like a blade of grass
Then its silent and then… shatters like glass
I can feel the pain spread throughout
Oh how the silence now does shout
I look back it’s where I have been
Its my future, its my present it the pain I have seen
I guess its my road my calling my destiny
Loneliness, sadness, pain, fear then death that’s life’s plan for me….
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