Thursday, January 04, 2007

My Thoughts

I have been thinking, Is there a God out there? Don't get me wrong I believe in God but recently I have been asking my self questions " Is there a God, or Has God turn his back on us", could we be that bad that he has turned his back on most of us. As a young boy in boarding school I did not study my only source for reading was the Holy Bible for two years I read it back to back and unfortunately being young I guess I didn't understand much of what I read but I believed there was a God, yet I have still had many questions. Then I woke this morning I intended on writing in my blog why I questioned if there is a God, here are some of my thoughts,

1. I questioned the existence of dinosaurs, they did once walk the earth we have fossils and proof but in my thoughts where was Adam and Eve?
2. I questioned with pain in my heart how some babies are born blind, or deaf or unable to walk and some with other disabilities, why so cruel to such innocence.?
3. I questioned how I could suffer with so many problems for more than a year and then when I thought the New Year would be better it gets worse.

So hence my thoughts on if God existed, I took out my bible this morning, to look for answers and I only came up with the answer to question one, and that was Genesis 1 verse 20 to 23 that was the 5TH day and back then a day according to science could have been a few million years, so i guess dinosaurs walked the earth way before Adam was created, and when you look at Genesis 1 verse 24 a new type of living creature was created on the beginning of the 6TH day and Adam was created later on in the day, So I say ok that answers my first question. On question two I could not find anything nor could I on question three. So maybe God is there but has just turned his back on me. Well my quest continues maybe one day I will find out the truth maybe.


At 11:03 AM, Blogger inoedoshi said...

wow. never thought u like to play 'Galileo' all this while. LOL. we can spend so much time talking on this particular subject for all i know since different people interpret God differently. and i dont think u are the only one pondering on these questions. i sometimes stumble across these same lingering thoughts as well. maybe one day we'll find out the truth like u said. or perhaps some things are just to be taken upon faith. i dunno. Cheers.

At 9:12 PM, Blogger Old Friends for Sale said...

Yes thank you and maybe one day we will find out the truth.

At 4:11 PM, Blogger Violet said...

God is only there if you beleive in him. As soon as people start questioning thier gods' existence, the gods lose power till they eventually end up having no power and the people have moved on to other gods. Hence, your god is only as existent, and as powerful as your faith.
Hi Greg, it's Ayla, by the way. Your poetry is good, it's sad.


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